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Sunday 7 October 2012

Anger is a felling that

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Anger is a feeling that make your mouth work
faster than you mind.

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Life always offers you a second chance.
It is called tommorrow

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Someday everything will make perfect sense.
So for now laugh at the confusion smile 
through the tears and keep reminding
yourself that everything happens for a reason.

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Never put the key to your happiness 
in someone else's pocket.

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The soul always know what to do to heal itself.
The challenge is to silence the mind.

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Today be thankful and think about how rich 
you are, your family is Priceless, 
Your time is Gold, Your health is Wealth
and your Savior is the Greatest Treasure of All.

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In life we never lose friends, We only learn who are true 

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Worrying does not empty tomorrow of it is sorrow,
It empties today of it is strength.

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Life is too short to stress yourself with people
who do not ever deserve to be and issue in your life.

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Only trust someone who can see these three things in you.
The sorrow behind your smile, The love behind your anger,
and the reason behind your silence.

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Do you know why people cheat and lie ?
Because they know it is easier to get forgiveness than permission.

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Lead with your heart, your life will follow.

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Do not bother about people who judge you 
without knowing you
Remember, dogs bark if they do not know the person.

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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. 
And if you can not help them at least do not hurt them

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Forget what hurt you in the past.
But never forget what it taught you.

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